Thursday, 24 November 2011

Malunggay VS any other Fruits / Supplements

"After Many Researches, these are other benefits of Malunggay Leaves"

*7 times the Vitamin C than Orange= It boost immune system against Flu and Colds

*17 times the Calcium than Milk =  It Strengthen the bones, teeth, and firght osteoporosis

*10 times Vitamin A than Carrots = It nourishes the brain and good eyesight

*15 times Potassium than Banana = It helps to prevent stroke, hearth and kidney disorder

*9 times Protein than Yogurt = It helps building blocks of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood

*25 times Iron than Spinach = it helps to fight anemia, proper growth of human, and good metabolism

*4times more protein than eggs